Seminars + Lectures

Upcoming + Planned Events
The seminars, events and lectures listed here can come either from ESAAT itself or from the partners and members of ESAAT. Important in each case is the reference to animal-assisted work and intervention.

Here you can complete ESAAT-accredited basic training with your dog as well as ESAAT-accredited training to become an Animal Assisted Intervention Specialist.

6.11. 2023, 6:30-8:30 p.m., ONLINE by Zoom
*Clicker training with horses in animal assisted intervention*.
This webinar will focus on how we can use positive reinforcement to implement equine-assisted offerings. Besides basics about the method, I will also bring in practical examples from positive horse-assisted everyday life, which we will then reflect on together.
The positively reinforced handling of the horse consists of a few building blocks. In this webinar, we will focus on the horse training part:
By means of the clicker we tell the horse what we want him to do. The Click provides clarity in communication, which we want to make positive for both sides. The focus is on the desired behavior. The clearer and more precise the human is in his signals, the easier it is for the horse to understand what behavior is wanted and will bring in a reward.
Clicker training can be used to train all classic exercises in everyday horse life and riding. In this webinar we will mainly deal with topics that are relevant in TGI. This includes everyday tasks such as putting on a halter and leading, parcours, gymnastic exercises and much more!
Date: 6.11. 2023, 6:30-8:30 p.m., online via Zoom
Cost: 50 €
Speaker: Astou Maraszto
REGISTRATION please by mail to:

Therapy companion dog training of the association ANIMALS AS THERAPY (TAT) –
Association for research and promotion of the therapeutic effect of the human-animal relationship
You have the desire to reach people with your dog, as an emotional link, where human communication is difficult? As a professional human-dog team, would you like to support people in challenging life situations? Your goal is to provide educational, psychological and/or social integrative activities in your professional field with your dog?
depending on your own schedule, part-time
Time requirement of 200 working hours (corresponds to approx. 8 ECTS)
Form of training:
Block courses
- Theory blocks (1 & 2) as recorded webinars plus live online courses
- Practical blocks (3 & 4) as classroom courses in the desired branch office
€ 1.300,- for total booking
€ 350,- á block for single booking
TAT Therapy Companion Dog Badge
Learning Objectives I Contents:
- Training & use of therapy assistance dogs
- Dogs & their (learning) behavior
- Hygiene, zoonosis & first aid in dogs
- Animal Husbandry & Welfare
- Animal-assisted pedagogy (kindergarten/school)
- Animal-assisted interventions for people with disabilities
- The dog in geriatrics
- Basics of psychology
- Self-experience & reflection of the activity as a therapy assistance dog team
- Deepening the bond/teamwork with the dog
- Games & exercises for use
- City exit
- Exam preparation

19.2.2024,18.30- 21 h ONLINE via Zoom
*Always following the nostrils*
How we can challenge and promote the olfactory perception of the horse and implement animal-assisted activities for children
Treasure hunt, tracking work and other activities around the sense of smell of the horse.
Scentwork has a strong psychohygienic effect, which seems to me especially important for horses in therapy and pedagogy.
Maintaining motivation and zest for life is an essential topic, especially in relation to horses that have such a demanding job.
And there are plenty of enriching experiences for the kids this way, too!
19.2.2024,18.30- 21 h online via Zoom
Speaker: Ina Keckstein
REGISTRATION please by mail to:

In March 2023, the 2-year training for “Specialist for animal-assisted interventions” will start again.
7. diploma course for animal assisted intervention specialist
Additional: Training with your own dog to become a TAT therapy assistance dog team.
Organization: webinars, live online lectures (via ZOOM) and face-to-face courses (e.g. excursions)
Start: 18. + 19 March 2023
4 semesters (16 course weekends/approx. 8:30 – 17:00)
DLG without dog = 1500 hours (60 ECTs)/ 5.400€
DLG with dog = 1600 hours (65 ECTs)/ 6.100€