ESAAT was the first European organisation to draw up precise requirements and checklists for Ausbildungsanbieter_innen of training in animal-assisted work and offers the following accreditation options:
Ordinary membership of ESAAT is subject to at least one upright accreditation of one of your training offers as well as to the annual payment of the membership fee. The duration of the initial accreditation is two calendar years, subsequent re-accreditations are valid for four calendar years.
Please note: The accreditation of a training offered by you (basic training as a therapy companion team or specialist training) only refers to the one submitted and accredited training offer. So if you have become an ESAAT member with an accredited training, this does not mean that all your training courses are automatically ESAAT-accredited.
If you wish to have more than one training accredited by ESAAT, a separate accreditation must be carried out per training. Please note the information on the accreditation process in the respective accreditation forms.

Accreditation –
Specialist in animal-assisted therapy
Specialist training according to the criteria of the European Society for Animal-Assisted Therapy (ESAAT) is intended to train specialists in animal-assisted therapy.
The task of the specialist for animal-assisted therapy is to support the human being with his impairments in his need for alleviation of his complaints, autonomy and personal and social integration in her basic professional field or with professional involvement through the use of an animal. The specialist plans the measures on the basis of a wide variety of concepts and approaches for different target groups, carries them out in a goal-oriented manner and then documents them. The interventions of the specialist are based on the relationship triangle therapist – animal – client, must be process- and topic-oriented and questioned by a professionally sound reflection. The specialist involves the social environment and other professionals involved in the development of the objectives and the reflection on the course of the individual client.
Accreditation –
Basic training human/animal/partner team
(corresponds to at least 75 working hours)
Person with an animal (TTT) are jointly trained and tested for animal-assisted use in the specific professional field of the human team member or with competent involvement
If there is no initial qualification in the therapeutic, pedagogical or caring area, then the human/animal partner team is entitled to animal-assisted visiting service/activities.
A “Therapy Companion Animal Team (TTT) is used for educational, psychological, rehabilitative and socially integrative offers for children, adolescents, adults and older people with cognitive, social-emotional and motor impairments, behavioral disorders and support focuses.