

ESAAT Members

Helga Widder

Helga Widder


Founding member ESAAT and TAT, academically certified specialist, state-sponsored dog trainer, TBH examiner, dog license examiner of the municipality of Vienna Management TAT, in the management team Diploma course specialist, active lecturing activity, since 2004 Vice President ESAAT has been using certified dogs/cats for more than 30 years Madeleine Petrovics Madeleine Petrovics

deputy. President

Studies of Business Administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Mag. rer. soc.) Studied law at the University of Vienna (Dr. iur. 1978) Language diplomas from the Universities of Michigan (English) and Brussels (French) Certified court interpreter for English (University of Vienna) Former member of the National Council and federal spokeswoman of the Green Austria Head of the largest Austrian national parliament. Animal shelters, “Tierschutz Austria” currently working in the Ministry of Social Affairs for the field of animal welfare “DIE Stimme” for animal welfare in Austria Beate Pottmann-Knapp Beate Pottmann-Knapp

deputy. President

Mediator, psychotherapist, pth. Expert, social and life coach, trainer, founding of the ARGE TGGPT, author of several books on animal-assisted work in psychotherapy and the training of puppies, also works as an animal-supported psychotherapist. Current work project is the Association for Bonding and Relationship between Man and Animal and PSDeurope (assistance and training requirements for flying with dog as a person with mental disability( Sandra Foltin Sandra Foltin

Cash desk

Studied biology at the University of Duisburg-Essen; Psychology at Towson University (USA) and Law at the Baltimore School of Law (USA). She received her doctorate from the University of Duisburg-Essen with a focus on the behavioral biology of dogs. She started the animal-assisted intervention with her animal welfare dogs at the Delta Society (now pet partners) in 1991 and has continued this work in Germany ever since. It itself offers further training to the proceeds of which go entirely to animal and nature conservation. Sandra Foltin is involved in several practical projects in animal welfare and ethics projects and founded her own non-profit association for nature and animal welfare in 2009. She is also a scientific advisor to the Quality Network School Assistance Dogs e. V.

Dr Hermann Bubna-Littitz

Dr Hermann Bubna-Littitz

deputy. Cash desk

Vetmed Uni Wien, Veterinarian, Institute of Physiology, Pathohysiology and Biophysics, Unit of Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Experimental Endocrinology, retired, numerous publications, e.B. Alzheimer’s study

Leona Fux, MSc

Leona Fux, MSc


Behavioral, neurological and cognitive biologist
Animal Protection Policy Officer,Tierschutz Austria
Susanna Haitzer

Susanna Haitzer

deputy. Writing

Certified European Dog Trainer Academically certified cynologist Chairwoman Association Animals Help Life – ESAAT certified therapy dog training Animal welfare qualified dog trainer has been leading trained therapy assistance dogs for years

Inge Röger-Lakenbrink

Inge Röger-Lakenbrink

Consulting Co-opted

Qualified social pedagogue, journalist and author of several dog and horse books, including the “TBH Bible” Das Therapiehundebuch, currently already in its 6th edition