BLOG / News + Neuigkeiten

ESAAT Members
Man – Dog Symposium TGI – 2023
Dear members, interested parties, TGIers, former members, future members We are especially pleased to be able to offer our Human-Dog Symposium TGI again this year. And again with very special guests! Dr. med vet. Daniela Zurr. Tellington-TTouch® Instructor Dogs and...
Online lecture – “New study examines situation with school dogs in Bavaria”.
Content: Most research to date in the field of animal-assisted intervention relates to the potential positive effects for the recipients of an intervention. However, the risks to humans and dogs participating in TGI should not be ignored. In institutions, whether...
ESAAT Member
Help Us Save Our Beautiful Planet For All of Us Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Curabitur non nulla sit amet nisl tempus convallis quis ac lectus. Curabitur arcu erat, accumsan id imperdiet et, porttitor at sem. Donec rutrum congue...
Depression, Burnout, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – for Dogs
Content and additional information Stress-related illnesses are also on the rise in dogs. The causes are manifold and can manifest themselves in everyday situations that usually seem ordinary to humans but are highly stressful for dogs. Chronic anxiety behavioral and...
Luke and the Language of Courage
#1: Digital Dog Hour(Dr. Sandra Foltin + Tanja Ohm) - 28.10.21 #2: Luke and the Language of Courage(Dr. Sandra Foltin + Tanja Ohm) - 4.11.21Topic: a therapy assistance dog approaches supported communication #3: Team Lukas %22The Boys%22 - Team Lukas %22The Girls%22...
Pain Week “Dog”
Lecture 1: Psycho & Pain(Dr. Sandra Foltin) - 8.11.21 Lecture 2: Segmental Diagnostics & Chronic Pain(Dr.Dr.Andreas Zonmann) - 9.11.21 Lecture 3: Pain reduction through physiotherapy. Measures(Andrea Schmidt - 10.11.21) Lecture 4: Pain reduction through...

Webinar: Pain Week Dog (Dr. Sandra Foltin)
Test Blow
That's a test

“Webinar” – Lukas and the Language of Courage” – Introduction to the digital work of the human-dog team
Webinar by: Dr. Sandra Voltin + Tanja Ohm Lecture from the lecture series %22Lukas and the Language of Courage%22 – Introduction to the digital work of the human-dog team. Part 1: Children with special needs in primary schools. How can we use videos and other media to...